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Pierced body nine spears: in England found a grave of a vampire

Added Tue, 11/12/2018
Дата публикации
Mon, 10/12/2018

In the English town of Pocklington, which is located in the County of Yorkshire, found the grave of the vampire, Dating from the third century BC. It is important to note that scientists have discovered several graves influential at the time of individuals, but they attracted the attention of only one grave, as distinguished a strange burial ritual.

The researchers found that buried the guy age 17-25 years tried to kill several times. After his death, the body pierced with spears 9: one had an iron tip, and the other bone. In addition, the guy swiped at his forehead with a baton of wood, most likely.

The experts have several theories as to what he saw. According to the first buried was a warrior (in the grave lay the shield), and his more respected other soldiers simulated the glorious death of a comrade. Another theory is that the tomb of the buried vampire: the earlier people through the impure iron and wooden spears to keep them back into their world. Also, do not exclude the version of a ritual murder.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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