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Rare — 5 rainbows in the sky!

Added Thu, 04/10/2018
Дата публикации
Wed, 03/10/2018

While shooting sunset in new Jersey photographer John Entwistle watched a gorgeous picture of heaven, five colored rainbows!Unusual rainbow such as this consist of a primary rainbow is the brightest — as well as at least two others.

According to the scientist-climatologist retired Gunter Kenney from the Royal meteorological Institute of the Netherlands, multiple rainbows are quite common. There are many shots where you can see two or three, but five rainbows is an exceptional event.

Raymond Lee, research Professor from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, agreed, noting that multiple rainbow — neotemlimoy part of any rainbow. Despite this, they are difficult to see because they are not as bright as the main "parent" arc — they are usually hidden behind the bright colors of the primary rainbow.

Two types of rainbows are formed about the same except for one difference. Primary rainbow is formed when sunlight falls on the water droplet, and then refracts. Because different wavelengths of light bend at different amounts, wherein the process occurs in a large number of tiny droplets, you see a rainbow.

Multiple rainbows are formed due to interference between the light waves, which follow slightly different paths inside drops. Most likely, multiple rainbows are seen when raindrops are relatively uniform in size because the light rays that pass through the drop, are more likely to create color. With droplets of different size light waves are more likely to cancel each other out, which means the absence of light and multiple rainbows.

This photograph of the rainbow conical — this means that the mutual distance between the rainbows smaller at the horizon than at the top. Lee stressed that if you have not seen multiple rainbows before, it is easy to look the pictures to understand what they look like. After that, you will begin to notice them constantly in many different rainbows.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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