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Someone at night began to restore order in the garage of the British

Added Wed, 17/04/2019
Дата публикации
Tue, 16/04/2019

72-year-old Steven Makers from the English village of Severn beach, Gloucestershire, faced last month with a very bizarre mystery that has seriously puzzled the man and even got to get scared, to doubt your own mental health.

The pensioner noticed that someone started to clean up in his garage in the dark when the owner is asleep. Unknown offender nightly piled in an empty plastic container from under the ice of various metal items from the table: nuts, bolts, screws, propellers, etc.

Makers each morning poured out of these products, but the next day, they always returned to the box. Any signs of forced entry to the garage the man was not found, so I decided to set a camera to solve the mystery, which seriously began to bother him. And what was his surprise, when the device is on the same night captured the mysterious cleaner in all its glory. It appeared to be an ordinary house mouse, which was done so strange for her cleaning ritual every night.

Rodent even dragged into the container, the circuit from electric drills and nozzle on the hose and tried to cope with objects twice as heavy as itself. Why the animal did this, it remains to Makers a complete mystery. Mice are known to have the habit of creating their nests in human habitation, however, it is doubtful that this creature wished to build a house of nuts and bolts, which, moreover, she was not trying to lay down as a particularly cozy for yourself. In any case, Steven calmed down and even figured out how to thank a caring mouse, he began to feed her...

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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