Added | Sat, 25/05/2019 |
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Дата публикации | Sat, 25/05/2019
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Despite the fact that school textbooks are very simply and clearly explains what constitutes the cloud and mist, in fact these drip education hide from us still a lot of mysteries, why there was even a reasonable theory about the clouds.
With one of these mysteries in the nineteenth century faced British self-educated scientist James glacier. Being fond of meteorology and Aeronautics, balloons and balloons, he in 1862 was first faced with a strange phenomenon: at an altitude of four kilometers in the clouds over England, he heard music. Five years later, it happened again in the clouds over Paris, and this time the glacier and listened to a wonderful concert of orchestral music.
You would think that the researcher is exposed to auditory hallucinations, however, in 1867 James invites flying in a balloon meteorologist Gaston, Missangie and the astronomer Camille Flammarion, who in the clouds over Germany had also heard the music.
James glacier is devoted to the study of this strange phenomenon for many years and ultimately came to the conclusion that clouds and fogs are somehow able to capture and amplify the sound, the source of which is located at a great distance. His guess was confirmed then and other aeronauts, for example, the English balloonists ascending in a balloon over London in a thick fog.
About this strange property of fog tell and sailors. In the open sea in foggy weather, they say, you can hear absolutely unimaginable sounds, say, barking dogs, mooing cows or the laughter of a girl, although for hundreds of miles the vehicle is surrounded by ocean. In the past, when people believed in mysticism, such jokes fog often led to panic among the sailors and tragic consequences. But today it is not known what this "natural phenomenon" and natural if at all...
For example, the inhabitants of the town of Taos United States (nm) in foggy weather periodically hear from the desert the noise of passing vehicles along the highway, but no road there at all. This strange phenomenon is even called "Taossky buzz", but scientists have been unable to find an explanation.
Known and such an unusual case: in 1997, on Ross island in Antarctica explorers during a dense fog, heard the noise of a passing train, and the friction of the wheels and the distinctive tapping of the rails it was so crisp and clear that even made the researchers mystical fear. Where did where the noise of the passing part, nobody understand...
Translated by «Yandex.Translator»
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