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A huge flock of black birds attacked cars on the highway in Texas

Added Fri, 27/01/2017
Дата публикации
Thu, 26/01/2017

A huge flock of black birds, as if caught in the funnel of a tornado, circled by high buildings standing along the highway in Houston, the largest city of the state of Texas. This mysterious event took place in the gathering twilight 20 Jan 2017.

Immediately I remembered the footage from a fantastic film "Night watch, where just as above the skyscrapers circling black crows, symbolizing the dark forces.

It is not clear what could cause congestion in Houston the number of birds that did not even pay attention to the speeding car and thrown directly under the wheels or swooped down on the windshield.

Most likely, it could happen due to the bad weather, because the video that appeared on YouTube a few days later, it is clear as the sky was covered with dark storm clouds.

Birds look black, and this means that they can be blackbirds, crows, or common grackles, often can be seen on the streets of Houston.

Huge flocks of birds were seen in 2015 and 2015. Ornithologist Hannah Bailey of the Houston zoo reported that a large group of thrushes came to town in October 2016. Apparently, birds in large flocks are easier to keep warm or find food. However, this does not explain why they attacked cars on the highway.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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