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35213 facts from 177 countries related to 1198 phenomena have been registered in Archive. 2832 of them were solved, another 11026 are under verification for compliance with one of the 322 versions.

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Illusionism or Magic

Illusionism, sometimes called magic — a kind of performance art, which is characterized by the use of sleight of hand, gimmicks or special equipment to create the illusion of breaking the normal physical properties of the well-known items. The name comes from the French word "illusionner" — "to mislead".

Options create illusions:

  • The illusionist uses special technical devices
  • The illusionist uses the technique of manipulation, that is "sleight of hand"
  • Psychological manipulation of attention (distraction, overload and illusion)


Cold reading (cold reading) refers to a series of techniques used by professional manipulators to get a specific type of thinking and allows you to think that the manipulator (the reader) can have a strange way to know the exact facts about any subject. It goes beyond the usual manipulation tools such as suggestion and flattery. The manipulator starts with the basics, which are applicable to large categories of the population. He or she pays careful attention to the reactions: words, body language, color of skin, the expansion or contraction of the pupils of the eyes, and so to find out information about the person. Based on observations of the manipulator will refer back to the object of study for them to hear what he wants to hear.

Translated by «Yandex.Translator»

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